Healthy Eating At SIPS

Sharjah International Private School L.L.C | S.P. promote healthy eating, and we encourage parents to help us in our aim. When providing a packed lunch, please include only healthy food choices. The following items are not allowed in packed lunches: sweets, chocolate, crisps, nuts and carbonated drinks. Please review our healthy eating policy.
EYFS (Foundation Stage 1, Foundation Stage 2, and Year1)
FS1 and FS2 parents are asked kindly to provide two snacks for children to have mid-morning. This must be a healthy food which is easy to eat, e.g. a piece of fruit or cereal bar. Food supplied for lunch should also be easy to consume and healthy, e.g. small sandwiches,fruit cut into small pieces, etc. (no nuts). Please make sure the food packaging can be opened easily by your child. Food should be stored in a small, insulated lunchbox.
The lunch box should include a bottle of water and should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Lunch can either be brought from home or provided by our external catering company for a small charge.Please label all containers within the lunchbox.
Please provide the correct utensils required to eat the food supplied. If you would like to sign up to our externally provided hot meal programme, EYFS supervisor will be happy to help you.Please note that Nut products and peanut butter are not permitted in school as a number of our children have severe allergies. Children are not permitted to share or swap any part of their lunch with friends.