John Torres
Head of teaching and learning
Mr. John Torres, LPT, PhD, Ed.D (hc), FRIEdr began his career teaching English and humanities in two of Dubai’s international schools. Years later, he became a member of the Senior Leadership Team as Head of Primary and Assessments at one of the international schools in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. His considerable teaching, leadership, and data analysis skills vouchsafed him to collaborate and establish connections with a diverse group of educational leaders in the area. Mr. Torres holds a PhD in Curriculum Design, Development, and Supervision. He also received a Doctor of Education Honoris Causa from Maryland State University, USA, as well as a Fellow Royal Institution Educator Doctors (FRIEdr) from Singapore. He holds TLS UAE licenses in school leadership and TESOL and is a licensed professional teacher in the Philippines. He published research on active learning and co-authored teacher narratives of their COVID-19 experiences.