Attendance Policy
The school recognizes the importance of regular attendance of pupils. This policy aims to ensure the best possible pupil attendance and follow-up procedures for pupil absence. It has been established through extensive research that regularity to school is a key factor within students’ and families’ control which is strongly associated with academic success.
Students need to be in the classroom to benefit from the teacher’s guidance and from interaction and exchange of ideas with peers. Good attendance not only maintains continuity of learning but also enhances the social and emotional development of the pupil.
Excessive absences affect the culture of the classroom, where the faculty seeks to build a community of learners. A student’s excessive absences or tardiness can lead to incomplete and unsatisfactory work, a reduced capacity to meet curricular standards, and lower course grades.
1- Parents/guardians are partners with the school and faculty in assuring that students have good attendance and arrive in class on time.
2- Parents determine a valid reason when an absence should be excused and should email the respective Form Teacher. All leave requests to be submitted on the Student Leave Request Form alongwith mandatory supporting documents as per protocols.
3- School does not encourage leave plans/holiday requests during term-time. of the absence by 10:00 a.m. of the day on which the student is absent.
Sharjah International Private School L.L.C | S.P. keeps accurate records of student attendance and will communicate promptly and consistently with parents/guardians regarding attendance issues.
This policy:
1- Establishes firm expectations that on time school and class attendance are important in sustaining the learning environment and in meeting individual learning needs.
2- Provides significant flexibility to accommodate legitimate absence or lateness with a minimum of administrative procedure
3-Assures the timely flow of information from parents to school and from school to parents about attendance at school and in class so that both can work to improve a situation before a student’s education suffers.
4-Clearly defines the responsibilities of students, educators, and parents regarding absences, tardiness, and dismissals.
1- Students should be in school every scheduled day and attend all classes.
2- Except in the case of excused late arrivals and early dismissals, students must adhere to the following daily routine
Gates Open | Registration | Gates Close | Registration | End of School Day |
Monday–Thursday | ||||
7:00a.m. | 7:15a.m. | 8:00 a.m. | 7:15a.m. | 1:30p.m. |
Gates Open | Registration | Gates Close | Registration | End of School Day |
Monday–Thursday | ||||
7:00a.m. | 7:15a.m. | 8:00 a.m. | 7:15a.m. | 2:30p.m. |
In order to facilitate some of our parents to drop their children early, the school has issued early arrival slips to parents to drop their child/children at 6:50 a.m. at Gate no. 6.
1- All leave requests to be submitted on the Student Leave Request Form (available on SIPS website) along with mandatory supporting documents as per protocols.
2- School does not encourage leave plans/holiday requests during term-time.
3- Students’ absenteeism and tardiness affect the school’s ability to provide effective educational services, the achievements of consistently absent or late students and disrupt the learning experiences of other students in the school.
4- Likewise, the attendance of teachers is imperative to securing continuous and progressive learning experiences for all students at the school. The school will always secure and improve teachers’ attendance and ensure that students are not left without a qualified teacher for long durations of time exceeding a week.
5- Parents, the students and the school must work together to improve and maintain high attendance rates.
6- In case repeatedly not being picked up on time after subsequent 3 warnings, the school reserves the right not to register the child in the next academic year.
1- Sharing and implementing a school policy on attendance and punctuality which stresses that attendance for all students is mandatory on all the days the school is declared open.
2- Clarifying to parents and students the definition of a school day, the start of registration process in the morning, the school’s expectations in relations to punctuality all through the school day, the definition of absenteeism and a list of what is considered excused and unexcused absenteeism.
1- Ensure that students arrive at school on time.
2- Reading, ratifying and implementing the school’s policy on attendance and punctuality.
3- Promotingtheirchild’sattendanceandpunctualityandabidingbythetimingssetbythe
School for the start and the end of the school day.
4- Understanding and upholding the school’s policy which states that continued tardinessandAbsenteeismwillresultindisciplinarymeasuresandwillaffectthestudents’chancesofenrolmentfor the upcoming academic year.
6- To ensure adherence to the re-opening of school on the scheduled term dates. No extended leave will be approved if combined with the Summer/Winter or Spring Break or any Public Holidays.
7- Recognising that there are legitimate and unavoidable reasons for absence, parents/guardians may call or email the School to excuse a student’s absence. To inform an absence, the parent/guardian must email the respective Sections or call the School office at 06-on the school day on which the student is absent.
8- Notification of absence must be strictly informed by the parent or an authorized guardian only.
9- An absence due to any medical issue for field trips is considered excused provided it is supported by evidence.
10- When a student comes to class more than ten minutes after formal instruction has begun, he/she is considered absent.
11- In extenuating circumstances, a student or his/her parent/guardian may appeal to the administration to resolve attendance issues.
Offence | Frequency | Implications |
Tardiness - this refers to being late in coming to school at the start of the school day and to instances of being late to lessons within the school day | The first five (5) incidents of tardiness in a short period of time such as a month or an academic term | Written warning to student and notify parents. Tardiness will be noted in the students’ progress report |
Up to an additional three (3) instances of tardiness in a short period of time, such as a month | Parents and student to be called to a meeting with the principal or a designated person by the Principal. Parents and student to sign a written pledge not to repeat the offence. Tardiness to be noted in students’ progress report. | |
Any additional incidents to the above | At the discretion of the school, decision might include one or more of the following: - Community hours at the school. -Detention during school hours. -A written notice announcing refusal to re-enrol the student in the school for the following academic year. |
Offence | Frequency | Implications |
Absenteeism - this refers to frequent or habitual absence from school or from lessons without a valid medical or family related excuse. | The four (4) incidents of absenteeism in a short period of time such as a month or an academic term | Written warning to student and notify parents. Absent days will be noted in the students’ progress report. |
Up to an additional three (3) instances of absenteeism in a short period of time | Parents and student to be called to a meeting with the principal or a designated person by the principal. Parents and student to sign a non- repetition pledge. Absent days to be noted in students’ progress report. | |
Any additional incidents to the above | At the discretion of the school, decision might include: -Community hours at the school. -Detention during school hours. -A written notice announcing refusal to reenrol the student in the school for the following academic year. |
1- This includes absences due to sickness, family emergencies (urgent travel due to death of a family member, official tasks (e.g., consulate visit) or any unavoidable medical appointments.
2- Students are responsible to make up for the loss of school lessons associated with approved absences. Teachers shall assist the student with providing the learning material (content and worksheets). It is the responsibility of the student to arrange a time to collect the assignments from their teachers done in class during their absence, and to turn them in. If a student is absent, assignments and homework must be submitted within one week of his/her return.
3- Teachers may assist wherever possible to support students make up for the missed work, but students, parents and guardians must understand that time lost from class is irretrievable. The more often a student is absent from class, the greater the likelihood that his or her learning and grades may suffer.
4- The school will notify parents/guardians when a student has excused absences of more than two days in a Term and a conference may be arranged. Parents/guardians need not wait until for a call to set up a conference. They are encouraged to contact their child’slearningmanagersoradministratorregardingconcernsabouttheirchild’sattendance.
Unauthorized leaves which include unnecessary travel/absence from school without a justifiable reason.
When in school, students are expected to attend all classes and assigned meetings unless excused by an administrator or the nurse.
1- If a student is in school, fails to attend a class without a justifiable reason, the absence is unapproved.
2- If a student arrives more than 15 minutes late to a class, the tardy may get converted to an unapproved absence.
1- In case of a medical appointment or other obligations that require students to arrive late at school, the parents/guardians must seek prior approval for their late arrival at school. Upon arrival at school, students should check in at the office to receive permission to go to class.
2- In circumstances such as above, all appointments, if feasible must be taken during the evening or on weekends to avoid loss of learning.
3- Duringschooldayrequestforearlydismissalmustbecommunicatedbytheparent
Prior to the student departure through email/phone call.
4- If the school does not receive timely notification of a late arrival or early dismissal, the
student’s absence from any classes will be recorded as unexcused.
5- If the parent/guardian notifies the school, the student may return to school for a portion of the day after a dismissal. If the returning student will be entering a class late, she/he should check in at the office to receive permission to go to class.
6- It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the teacher regarding missed work if she/he has missed a class due to a dismissal.
Policy Details: Attendance | |
Version Date | September 2023 |
Review Date | August 2024 |