Secondary School
In Senior School, a coherent and challenging curriculum is the key to alignment of mission, learning targets, pedagogy and assessment. As such, we are committed to a process of continually reviewing the curriculum to ensure its relevance.
Whilst the Senior School curriculum encompasses most of the elements of the British Curriculum, we have developed the curriculum to reflect the needs and circumstances of our students and our international context. We are proud of our diverse range of subjects and options from 11-16 leading to A levels Programme in our Sixth Form.

SIPS follows the National Curriculum of England and Wales and students are split into the following Key Stages:
Year 7 to Year 9 students
Year 10 and Year 11 students
Year 12 and 13 students, also known as Sixth Form
The Lower School Curriculum is broadly balanced and based on the National Curriculum Key Stage 3 with a few enhancements specific to Sharjah International Private School L.L.C | S.P.. High-quality and enthusiastic teaching in small classes is supported by innovative resources and facilities. Pupils are encouraged to aim high, attain their personal best and, most importantly, enjoy the challenge.
The curriculum builds on the foundations laid in the core subjects already studied, but also adds new subjects to stimulate and extend pupils’ thinking. Great emphasis is placed on developing independence and also on study skills, such as the ability to research an answer and present findings through a talk, project or report. Differentiation is enhanced by mobile technology in the classroom, which maximises pupil engagement and helps to nurture the enjoyment of learning in these formative years.
Core subjects studied are English, mathematics, science (biology, chemistry, and physics). All pupils study one modern foreign language (French). In addition, they study two humanities (geography and history) and two creative arts (art, and music) as well as Physical education and Moe subjects such as Arabic language, Islamic studies, Moral, and Social Studies

In Key Stage 4(KS4) (Year 10&11) students select subjects to study and follow the IGCSE examination specifications. Core subjects alongside a broad range of options such as ICT, Business, Chemistry, Biology ,Physics, Accounts and Economics are offered
In Key stage 5 (Year 12 &Year13) students study AS and A level GCE examinations . For further information about the SIPS Sixth Form, please view our Sixth Form page