
Sharjah International Private School L.L.C | S.P. is an exceptional educational School that provides a personalized approach to learning, allowing each student to surpass their perceived potential. Our school is committed to inspiring a love of learning within our diverse student body, while maintaining a traditional British education. Our international setting fosters a unique environment that encourages students to become global citizens and appreciate cultural diversity.

We Follow Best Practices:

When it comes to ensuring students’ well-being, it is important to follow best practices that have been proven effective. This includes setting academic goals that are challenging yet attainable, and monitoring academic results to ensure progress is being made. Examination results can also provide valuable feedback on areas where students may need additional support or resources. By focusing on these key areas, educators can help promote a positive learning environment that supports students’ overall well-being.

Non-Teaching Staff


Lana Koyi

A true exemplar of British excellence, is an esteemed educational leader whose journey has been nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Head Of Primary

Rozina Mukhia
An experienced educator with a decade of valuable expertise in Primary School setting.

Teaching Staff

متولي رأفت أبو اليزيد

Position: معلم رياضيات
Categories: MOE SECTION

– معلم خبير رياضيات مع خبره 35 عام (19 عام بمصر-16 عام داخل الامارات)
-وقادر علي شرح الدروس بطريقه مبسطه مبنية علي الاستراتيجيات المتنوعه وطرق التدريس الحديثة وغرس روح التعاون بين الطلاب والمرونة في توصيل المعلومات والتواصل الفعال مع الطالب واكساب الطلاب المهارات الرياضية واستخدام اسلوب التكامل في التدريس وعمل المشروعات لتحقيق الاهداف التي تساعد الطالب علي الابتكار و التفوق –

متولي رأفت أبو اليزيد

معلم رياضيات

– معلم خبير رياضيات مع خبره 35 عام (19 عام...

Marwa Abdullah Hassan

Position: English Teacher
Categories: MOE SECTION

Enthusiastic English teacher with 18 years of
Demonstrative experience and Certified
Profession License planning innovative and
creative English lessons. Engages students
through dynamic discussions and writing tasks.
Motivates and supports students with
exemplary pastoral care. Implements varied
instructional techniques to meet different
aptitudes and interests of students. Establishes
safe learning environment to make students
feel Comfortable, secure and confident.

Marwa Abdullah Hassan

English Teacher

Enthusiastic English teacher with 18 years of Demonstrative experience and...

Manal Abdul Monem

Position: Science coordinator and science and biology teacher .
Categories: MOE SECTION

Science coordinator and science and biology teacher .
I have a lot of extensive experience in the field of distinguished teaching in multiple fields to encourage a new creative culture through students of twentieth and twentieth century skills and motivate them to have new ideas that are supported by reality.
And using various teaching methods to raise the level of students, hone their talents, highlight their most important abilities, and work to develop and improve them. By involving students in specific activities to help students learn more effectively and work on their development using a scientific method .

Manal Abdul Monem

Science coordinator and science and biology teacher .

Science coordinator and science and biology teacher . I have...

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