
Sharjah International Private School L.L.C | S.P. is an exceptional educational School that provides a personalized approach to learning, allowing each student to surpass their perceived potential. Our school is committed to inspiring a love of learning within our diverse student body, while maintaining a traditional British education. Our international setting fosters a unique environment that encourages students to become global citizens and appreciate cultural diversity.

We Follow Best Practices:

When it comes to ensuring students’ well-being, it is important to follow best practices that have been proven effective. This includes setting academic goals that are challenging yet attainable, and monitoring academic results to ensure progress is being made. Examination results can also provide valuable feedback on areas where students may need additional support or resources. By focusing on these key areas, educators can help promote a positive learning environment that supports students’ overall well-being.

Leadership team


Lana Koyi

A true exemplar of British excellence, is an esteemed educational leader whose journey has been nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Head Of Primary

Rozina Mukhia
An experienced educator with a decade of valuable expertise in Primary School setting.

Leadership team


Head of Primary

Mr.John Torres

Head of teaching and learning

Wajeeha Zubair

Head of inclusion

Teaching Staff

Feras Kaabneh

Position: Bachelor of Science
Categories: MOE SECTION

Teacher at the Jordanian Ministry of Education (18\3\2008 -31\8\2016
Al Majd School (Ministry of Education UAE) ( 14/10/2016 – 10\4\2017 ) .
– Part Timer Teacher for the 7th Grade (Science Subject)
Teacher at AL Aqsa school in Ajman (11\4\2017-21/9/2020.)
Science Coordinator at AL Aqsa School ( 1\9\2018 – 21/9/2020 )
Teacher at Sharjah international private school (2/1/2021- Till present)
I have established clear objectives for each lesson and works to meet those specific objectives during each class.

Creating & managing confidential files and records such as marks and exam data.

I have effective discipline skills and can promote positive behaviors and change in the classroom.

Having good classroom management skills and can ensure good student behavior, effective study and work habits, and an overall sense of respect in the classroom.

Maintains open communication with parents and keeps them informed of what is going on in the classroom as far as curriculum, discipline, and other issues.

Feras Kaabneh

Bachelor of Science

Teacher at the Jordanian Ministry of Education (18\3\2008 -31\8\2016 Al...

يسرا ابراهيم زكريا

Position: معلمة رسم
Categories: MOE SECTION

مع سنوات عديدة من الخدمة المتفانية كمدرسة للتربية الفنية ، أحمل ثروة من الخبرة والشغف والخبرة إلى مجال التعليم. مع التزامي الدائم بتعزيز مهارات الفنون البصرية، وصقل مهارات الفنون، وإلهام تقدير الأدب مدى الحياة، كان في طليعة فلسفتي التعليمية.
طوال مسيرتي المهنية الواسعة، تطورت باستمرار مع الاتجاهات التعليمية، ودمجت منهجيات التدريس المبتكرة مع الحفاظ على أساس قوي في طرق التدريس التقليدية. يتميز أسلوبي المخضرم بالقدرة على التكيف والتركيز على الطالب والفهم العميق لاحتياجات التعلم المتنوعة داخل الفصل الدراسي.
تعكس سنوات خبرتي كمدرسهللفون البصريه رحلة تميزت بالتفاني والنمو والالتزام الثابت بتشكيل عقول عدد لا يحصى من الطلاب.

يسرا ابراهيم زكريا

معلمة رسم

مع سنوات عديدة من الخدمة المتفانية كمدرسة للتربية الفنية ،...

Sahar Mohamed Aly

Position: Arabic Teacher
Categories: MOE SECTION

With my long period of experience teaching Arabic, my fluency in the language, and my passion for engaging students in interactive learning, I am confident that I possess the necessary skills and qualifications to excel in this role.
I successfully implemented active learning approach. I’m proficient in Modern Standard Arabic, I weave cultural insights seamlessly into my lesson plans to create a rich and immersive learning environment.

Sahar Mohamed Aly

Arabic Teacher

With my long period of experience teaching Arabic, my fluency...

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